Insects are of high value for us and our ecosystems.

We want to raise awareness of insect death and achieve rethinking and other action in society.
Saving instead of killing.
From insect killer to insect rescuer: everyone can do that.
This is shown by our history of INSECT RESPECT®. It starts with a special task. Dr. H.-D. Reckhaus, Managing Director of Reckhaus, commissioned Frank and Patrik Riklin from the Atelier für Sonderaufgaben (Atelier for special tasks), to look for an idea for the market entry of a new fly trap. The cross-thinking conceptual artists recommended the opposite: they demanded Dr. H.-D. Reckhaus to question the relationship between man and insect. What is the value of an insect? This question, which was far too rarely asked, led to the action Saving flies in Deppendorf. The focus was no longer on the fight against it, but on the counter-movement and transformation of the company initiated by art.
In the background, the action resulted in Dr. H.-D. Reckhaus a far-reaching rethinking and „renegotiation“: In cooperation with the biologists of ARNAL – Büro für Natur und Landschaft AG, it was calculated for the first time in detail how control agents affect the insect population. From this, a model was derived to compensate for this influence with additional insect-friendly areas. The quality mark INSECT RESPECT® stands for a triad:
Insect control…
1) …reduction (through change of awareness in society and prevention tips)
2) …ecologisation (through insecticide-free, repellent or rescue products) and
3) …compensation (through the creation of insect-friendly habitats).
The transformation of the company continues to affect the economy and society – the entrepreneur Dr. Hans-Dietrich Reckhaus also describes his motivation and history in his book „Fliegen lassen (Let Fly) – how to radically and consistently re-operate“ (Murmann Verlag 2020).
CEO Millennium Institute, Alternative Nobel Prize 2013
"Nature keeps us all alive – a fact that we like to ignore in order to extract as much as possible from it in the short term. INSECT RESPECT® is questioning this behaviour and leading by example. That hits the nail on the head. This is not only a sign of a long-term vision, but also an insight into the fact that a better world starts with oneself."
Federal Minister for the Environment, former Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
"The value of insects is not only to be expressed in euros and cents. Not even in dollars! For me, this is always an indication that you have to take the little one seriously. In 2014 I was awarded an environmental award and was most surprised to see a company called Reckhaus, which deals with insect repellants, among the nominees. I just thought, somebody must have done something wrong. When I took a closer look at this, I was even more amazed that an entrepreneur is working for the consequences of his actions in nature in such a way that he makes a rescue program for his clients! Social commitment in this area cannot be more concrete. It is an incredibly high responsibility to reconcile what we do professionally with the needs of creation and society. I hope that others will follow suit."
TV presenter and UN Decade Ambassador for Biodiversity
"Insects don't have a lobby. They're not cuddly, there's no button-eyed kid-eyed scheme - and sometimes they scare us. But they are the humus of life. They are the "diligent bee" fertilisers, the soil looseners, the favorite dish not only of the birds ... They are the ones who make it possible for nature to work in miracles. With INSECT RESPECT® we offer you a lobby – and let us protect them, the "wonder"-ful insects of our habitat"
NABU NRW Nature Conservation Association
"INSECT RESPECT® and Mr. Reckhaus's commitment is something special, because here an entrepreneur says, "I have products and they are of course insect killers, they also kill insects, they should do it efficiently at home. But for what they are doing, there should also be a balance outside in the landscape." We know this from other areas: when a building area is created, there is also compensation. But the fact that an entrepreneur does this for his products is new. It helps us to implement measures in politics when we get support from industry. Because in agriculture, the big wheel is turned. Then such measures and such commitment help to create awareness. That's why it's a real support for our work on insect repellent."
Co-Chairman of the Global Assessment of the World Biodiversity Council (IPBES), Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Halle
"Admittedly, I found the ideas of Hans-Dietrich Reckhaus, when I first heard them, to be quite crazy. In the meantime, however, I am fascinated, because INSECT RESPECT® is not an initiative of the usual suspects, but that of an entrepreneur who is taking completely new paths of integration of ecology and economy. The innovative thinking shown here, coupled with surprising implementation, is for me an exemplary recipe for success, which is refreshingly set against the doomsday mood of the apocalyptic people."
President of the German Society of General and Applied Entomology
"The domestic area in which Reckhaus's products are used may be of marginal importance for the overall insect extinction. However, Reckhaus creates an awareness among consumers that can be reamped to other manufacturers through their consumer behaviour. Many manufacturers could take this as an example. Whether in the home, in agriculture or in small-scale gardening – pesticides have negative consequences for insects everywhere."
Prof. for General Business Administration (ABWL) and Marketing at the University of Applied Sciences Koblenz
"In our turbulent times, companies must assume social responsibility, even if they are polarizing with it. With INSECT RESPECT®, Dr. Reckhaus goes far beyond what you would expect from ordinary entrepreneurs – and changes the thinking of an entire industry towards biodiversity."
REWE Group
For me, "INSECT RESPECT® combines innovative entrepreneurship with a sustainable way of thinking. This means that actually controversial approaches are ultimately brought together conclusively in all aspects."
Chairman of the Board BAUM e.V.
"We rate INSECT RESPECT® as absolutely progressive and exemplary. We are very happy to support INSECT RESPECT® and hope that many will join the quality mark."
Centre for Sustainability Management, University of Lüneburg
"Over the past 200 years, the success of companies has been determined primarily by technical innovations. Today, innovation is reflected in innovative services based on sustainable business models. INSECT RESPECT® takes biodiversity seriously and has the most innovative and sustainable business model in the industry."
President of The Cologne Business School
"In order to preserve the livelihood of all of us, we need not only technical innovations, but also entrepreneurs who are willing to break new ground and take responsibility. With INSECT RESPECT®, Mr. Reckhaus has taken such a path and inspires future generations to do the same. Economic success and taking on lasting responsibility for our society and the environment are not mutually exclusive, but fertilize – a lesson that we urgently need to anchor in the minds of entrepreneurs."
Member of the Institute Management, Swiss Observatory
"As a specialist institute for bird science and bird protection, it is important to us that more attention is made to the important role of insects in the natural environment. Insects are an important food source for most native bird species and the lack of insects can be a serious cause of danger to birds. There has been increasing recent alarming evidence that the biomass of insects in Central Europe has declined dramatically in recent decades. For this reason, we very much welcome the introduction of the INSECT RESPECT® seal of approval. We are particularly pleased that this seal of approval also promotes and implements concrete enhancement measures in favour of a rich insect world. We wish the seal of approval and this sensible idea a great acceptance in society."
University of Technology and Economics (HTW) Berlin
"In the genesis of INSECT RESPECT®, the visual arts play an important role. And so the brand not only stands for a concept that is technically plausible and scientifically sound, but is also a prime example of creative corporate responsibility: original, authentic, courageous and ahead of its time."
Director of the SME Institute, University of St.Gallen
"INSECT RESPECT® is an innovative, amazing campaign for biodiversity. Behind this lies a fascinating sustainability concept that convinces with its seriousness and creativity."
Head of Research Group Roof Greening, Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW)
"We consider the INSECT RESPECT® model to be comprehensible and conclusive. By comparing the "living biomass" and "living space quality" before and after the creation of the compensation area, defined factors and value levels results in corresponding value shifts or a value comparison. We consider the factors and value levels mentioned to be reasonable, and the calculated compensation seems sufficient to us."
Deputy Managing Director Pro Natura St. Gallen-Appenzell
"Initially, I was sceptical about the INSECT RESPECT® project, as it was started by a biocidal company. However, as the reading of publications such as "Why every fly counts" and the website showed, the project is well structured and supported in terms of content and expertise. It wants to raise public awareness and encourage only insects in the house and only fight when a need is actually appropriate. The project provides background information on many insects (beneficial insects and pests) and a determination service for expert clarification. This awareness is very important and encourages rethinking in the public sphere. The label also stands for the most ecological insect control possible and rejects particularly polluting biocides. The shift towards more environmentally friendly alternatives is very welcome. I find the idea of compensation exciting. This creates compensating areas that represent refuges in the settlement area and can provide a habitat for various organisms. In addition, such appreciation projects can raise public awareness of the importance of insects. I consider the project and the commitment to be very meaningful and exemplary."
Managing Director Öbu - Network for Sustainable Business
"INSECT RESPECT® is based on respect for the little residents of our planet and contributes to a conflict-free coexistence of man and nature. It makes it possible to protect human interests without disturbing the surrounding worlds of life. A surprising and innovative concept."
We are not alone. In addition to our efforts to save the insects, we count on the valuable support of our partners.
BirdLife Schweiz
Together with BirdLife Switzerland, INSECT RESPECT® organised the Day of Insects in Switzerland in 2018 and 2019. BirdLife is one of the largest nature conservation organisations in Switzerland and is committed to the protection of birds and their habitats as well as international cooperation in nature conservation. With the Day of Insects, the organisers want to promote cross-cutting cooperation and a lobby for insects.
Naturkunde-Museum Bielefeld (namu)
The Natural History Museum Bielefeld (Naturkunde-Museum Bielefeld, namu e.V.) cooperates with INSECT RESPECT®. The contents of the cooperation are the joint regular event Day of Insects, book donations of Warum jede Fliege zählt (Why Every Fly Counts), the loan of the INSECT RESPECT® exhibition for the museum and a joint stand at GENIALE 2017. Information on the cooperation between namu and INSECT RESPECT® can also be found in the namu 2016 annual report. An article on the cooperation between the Natural History Museum Bielefeld and INSECT RESPECT® appeared in the newspaper Neue Westfälische (environmental supplement 6/13/2017).
Biodiversity in Good Company
INSECT RESPECT® has been a member of the Biodiversity in Good Company Initiative since March 2018. The initiative aims to preserve biodiversity and maintain its value. Dr Hans-Dietrich Reckhaus, CEO of Reckhaus GmbH & Co. KG and initiator of the INSECT RESPECT® quality label, is of the same conviction, as he announced in his presentation at the dialogue forum on 13th March 2018. "We need to rethink, not only in the biocide industry," says Dr Hans-Dietrich Reckhaus. "Companies have a responsibility to do something about insect decline!" INSECT RESPECT® wants to exchange ideas with like-minded people in the initiative, learn from pioneers in other industries and jointly create visibility for this commitment.
The nature filmmakers Ulf Püschel and Luis Burghardt have launched the YouTube channel Insecticon. Their aim is to share in-depth knowledge with people through unique footage and animations and to raise awareness for biodiversity. The two film professionals have already received awards for their work: With the Youlius Award 2021 in the category "Politics, Environment & Social Issues". Insecticon works with Insect Respect for online film clips, the Hour of Insects and the Insect of the Month.
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
The research group "Urban Ecology" of the Institute of Natural Resource Sciences of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) supported INSECT RESPECT® in the development of the compensation model and in technical questions related to green roofs.
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Westfälischer Entomologen e.V.
The work of INSECT RESPECT® is accompanied scientifically. For example, the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Westfälischer Entomologen e.V. (Working Group of Westphalian Entomologists) supports the monitoring of the compensation areas.
Kiel University
The research group "Functional Morphology and Biomechanics" of the Zoological Institute of Kiel University supports INSECT RESPECT® with feedback on scientific publications.
Press Response
A biocide entrepreneur wants to save insects? This not only arouses the curiosity of journalists:
INSECT RESPECT® has been presented several times as an outstanding project since its foundation.
April 2021: Nomination
The Green Business Award Switzerland wants to make role models shine. The motto:
„If we want to preserve our planet for future generations, business must be part of the solution.“ For the urgently needed changes, there is a need for role models to give orientation to decision-makers. The „Umweltpreis der Wirtschaft“ under the jury presidency of Doris Leuthard will transform into the „Green Business Award“ from 2021. It awards innovative companies that combine economic success with ecological impact. Insect Respect is one of the nominees in 2021.
INSECT RESPECT® is a finalist for the 13th German Sustainability Award in the category „Transformation for Biodiversity“. The award is Europe’s largest award for sustainable engagement and awards to projects that drive social and environmental transformation.
Pioneers wanted! INSECT RESPECT® is the winner of the Sustainability Heroes Award 2020 in the category Sustainability Innovations. As part of the Sustainability Heroes conference held on November 2 until 4, the DQS (German Society for Sustainability) has awarded Reckhaus with INSECT RESPECT® for its ecological and social pioneering role. The Sustainability Heroes Award, which is presented in eight categories, aims to show social commitment, which in turn inspires other companies.
On September 18, 2020, INSECT RESPECT® was awarded the project of the UN Decade for Biological Diversity 2020 at the Federal Ministry for the Environment in Bonn. Josef Tumbrinck (Head of the Nature Conservation Department at the BMU) handed over the certificate and the prize – a tree made of wood – to Dr. Hans-Dietrich Reckhaus (initiator INSECT RESPECT®).
The theme of the UN Decade of Biological Diversity will be „Protecting insects – together for the diversity of nature“ in 2019 and 2020. The award will be given to projects that contribute to the protection of insects, improve their living conditions and provide knowledge about species and their importance for biodiversity and ecosystems.
INSECT RESPECT® is nominated for the Marketing for Future Award 2020. The award ceremony took place online on June 17 at 20:00. The award recognizes creative marketing measures in five categories that represent the acceleration of positive change.
As part of the WorldMediaFestivals, the Television & Corporate Media Grand Award in the category „Education“ went to INSECT RESPECT® in 2020. The animated film„Little Giants“thrilled the jury and thus received the intermedia-globe Silver Award.
The award recognizes films and video clips that meet the highest production standards. The jury attaches particular importance to creativity, effectiveness and film quality. It also assesses how well the videos achieve their goals and appeal to their audience. Nearly 800 videos from over 30 countries were submitted. The award ceremony would have taken place on May 27, 2020 in Hamburg; the gala is now cancelled due to the situation with the novel coronavirus.
Reckhaus is nominatedfor the Swiss Ethics Award 2020 with INSECT RESPECT® . Is it worth taking responsibility for a sustainable future? The SWISS EXCELLENCE FORUM has been dealing with business ethics for about 20 years. Ethical behaviour in the economy is a prerequisite for sustainable success. On September 23, 2020, the Swiss Ethics Award will be presented for the ninth time at the Ethical Leadership Conference. The award is appreciation for ethical achievements in the economy and recognizes the achievements of organizations and companies that take on special responsibility and are committed to sustainable corporate governance.
In 2020, the Federal Association of German Industry (BDI) and the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) awarded the coveted German Innovation Award for Climate and Environment (IKU) for the seventh time. 132 companies, eight research institutes and one authority have applied for the prizes with their products and services. Twenty-two of them were nominated for The IKU, including the INSECT RESPECT® success story. BDI President Dieter Kempf: „The IKU recognises the innovative power of German companies and initiatives. They are problem solvers for climate and environmental protection.“ The winners were announced on March 26, 2020.
With a megaphone, Dr. Hans-Dietrich Reckhaus launched his plea for artonomy at the Pfingstweid car park in Zurich on September 10, 2019 at 10 a.m.: „Our family-owned company has been producing insect killer products for over 60 years. I never had a bad conscience – until art woke me up“. Since then, he has been pushing ahead with the transformation of his company, the „transformation from a pointless, environmentally destructive chemical tanker into a meaningful, insect-saving horticultural enterprise.“
The conceptual artists Frank and Patrik Riklin from the Atelier für Sonderaufgaben (Atelier für Sonderaufgaben) have given the trigger for their new business model with INSECT RESPECT® with their art action Rescuing Flies in Deppendorf. Following the announcement, Reckhaus received the Energy Globe Award Switzerland from the Austrian Business Delegation in Zurich. „Dr. Reckhaus has given the insects a different meaning with the INSECT® RESPECT seal of approval,“ said Manfred Schmid, the Austrian business delegate and trade councillor of the Austrian Embassy Trade Department (Bern). „He receives the Energy Globe Award Switzerland for his efforts to give the insects the space and protection they need.“
The worldwide environmental award„Energy Globe Award“went to the insect repellent manufacturer Reckhaus for its project INSECT RESPECT® in Switzerland on September 12, 2019. Triggered by the confrontation and cooperation with the Swiss conceptual artists Frank and Patrik Riklin, Reckhaus has been changing its business model with INSECT RESPECT® since 2012. More than 187 countries and more than 2,000 projects apply annually for the world-renowned Environmental Award „Energy Globe Award“. It recognises regional, national and global projects that conserve resources and energy. The goal is to create worldwide attention for sustainable, universally applicable ecological solutions and to activate people to do something themselves.
On February 6, 2019, WirtschaftsWoche awarded Dr. Hans-Dietrich Reckhaus for his„Entrepreneurial Heart“. The award ceremony took place at the summit of world market leaders in Schwäbisch Hall. The jury of the prize of the same name was enthusiastic about the innovative solution offered by the biocidal entrepreneur for the entire industry with INSECT RESPECT®.
„Hans-Dietrich Reckhaus had everyone against him at the beginning,“ says Daniel Rettig, Head of Success at WirtschaftsWoche, „but because he was convinced of his decision, he prevailed against all resistance – and was right.“ „We need role models who do not shy away from the inconvenient, who bravely accept criticism and are not afraid to put profit and responsibility in context,“ explains Robert Friedmann, spokesman for the Würth Group’s Executive Board.
„An entrepreneurial heart should beat for a sustainable economy,“ says Dr. Hans-Dietrich Reckhaus. Models that are sustainable in the long term and do not exacerbate the global biodiversity loss are sustainable.
On December 10, 2018, the ZEIT WISSENeditorial team nominated INSECT RESPECT® for its „Courage for Sustainability“ award in the category DOING.
The jury paid particular attention to the compensation areas of the INSECT RESPECT® seal of approval, as well as the educational work of the company Reckhaus for the value and benefits of insects. Reckhaus is thus setting new standards for the pest control industry.
Dr. Reckhaus in TIME KNOW Short Interview
The Association of the European Chemical Industry (CEFIC) honoured Reckhaus as initiator of INSECT RESPECT® with the European Responsible Care Award „Environmental Responsibility“ on October 25, 2018 in Amsterdam. The jury chose the extraordinary project as the winner for its high innovative power. „INSECT RESPECT® offers a unique example of how industry can commit itself to ecology and biodiversity,“ states the jury’s explanatory statement. The strong video footage and extensive communication about the value of insects convinced the jurors. „Through the hard work of INSECT RESPECT® we can share this best practice with the rest of the chemical industry,“ says Marco Mensink, Director General of the Association of the European Chemical Industry (CEFIC). At the annual „Global Chemical Convention“ ceremony on October 25, 2018 in Amsterdam, the prize was presented to Dr. Hans-Dietrich Reckhaus, initiator INSECT RESPECT®.
What the jury says:
„INSECT RESPECT® is characterized by its transformative and innovative character. The project makes a significant contribution to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).“
Red carpet for insects: The insect repellent manufacturer Reckhaus has produced an animated film PRO Insects, which has now been awarded with the Cannes Corporate Media & TV Awards 2018. With INSECT RESPECT®, the biocidal company Reckhaus strives for the sustainable transformation of its industry. The international jury of experts has selected the film „Little Giants“ as the winner in 2018 in two categories – information films and environmental issues. The award ceremony took place on September 27, 2018 at Palm Beach Cannes.
The competition for the TOP 100 companies is looking for innovative companies in Germany. Targeted innovation management is rewarded by the jury with the award. In addition, the TOP 100 companies meet in the „Club of Excellence“ to exchange ideas and network.
The 180° change of the company Reckhaus at the introduction of INSECT RESPECT® impressed the jury especially in the category „Innovation-promoting top management“. And so Ranga Yogeshwar honoured the entrepreneur Dr. Hans-Dietrich Reckhaus on June 29, 2018 at the award ceremony in Ludwigsburg at the 5th German SME Summit. „My goal is to raise society’s awareness and push back the market for biocide producers,“ said Reckhaus at the event.
Under the motto „Our contribution to the goals of the united nations for sustainable development“, the Association of chemical industries (VCI) was looking for companies and entrepreneurial projects in 2018 that contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The jury of this year’s Responsible-Care Prize of the VCI State Association of Nordrhein-Westfalen awarded the company Reckhaus with INSECT RESPECT® with the 1st place. The award ceremony with the handing over of documents took place at the parliamentary evening of the VCI NRW on June 6, 2018 in Düsseldorf. „INSECT RESPECT® impresses with its transformational character,“ said jury member Dr. Ignacio Campino. „The competition contribution meets the spirit of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals , the SDGs, on the road to a sustainable society.“
The project Fly Rescue in Deppendorf by the conceptual artist Frank and Patrik Riklin, from which INSECT RESPECT® emerged, has now been nominated for the 24th International Sponsorship Award in the category of cultural sponsorship. The 24th International Sponsorship Award took place on the evening of November 28 at the Journalists‘ Club of Axel-Springer SE in Berlin.
„How do we live tomorrow?“ is the prize question of this year’s Green Product Award. Hundreds of submissions from 25 countries applied to provide the best and most ecological response. INSECT RESPECT® is the winner of the competition. For innovation, design and sustainability, INSECT RESPECT® receives the Green Product Award 2017. The winners were officially honoured on October 20 in Berlin. The INSECT RESPECT® seal of approval for insect control with ecological compensation is awarded for the unique communication about the value and decline of insects.
Under the title „Little Giants – Of Insects, Art and Respect“, INSECT RESPECT® has designed an author’s article for the Springer publishing book „CSR and Digitization“. What does digitalization have to do with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and, above all, with insect death? The authors Dr. Hans-Dietrich Reckhaus and Tina Teucher ask exactly about this connection in their text: If everything is globally networked, what is the value of seemingly small things – e.g. the value of an insect? To investigate this, they tell of the adventure journey of the Reckhaus company, which began when the doors were opened to art. It led from a supposedly absurd fly-rescue operation to a detailed scientific study of nature, biodiversity and sustainability to the transformation of the entire business model. A story about truth-seeking, rethinking and change. The editors gather in the book numerous contributions and forewords by Wolfgang Schäuble, Fredmund Malik, Timotheus Höttges, Henning Kagermannm, Bert Rürup, Christian Seifert, Tim Leberecht, Dieter Gorny, Christoph Keese and Valerie Niehaus. They all show that a new way of thinking is needed to understand and shape the world of tomorrow. If a community operates for too long with an outdated operating system, social unrest, resource struggles, wars, elite isolation, and authoritarian systems of domination are programmed.
On behalf of Artonomie AG, the conceptual artists Frank and Patrik Riklin awarded the title „First Artonomist“ to Dr. Hans-Dietrich Reckhaus in 2017. The courage to let art into his company and thereby reinvent one’s own and the field of insect control shows a strong sense of unorthodox actions. Artonomy AG is a collaboration between art, economy and society and aims at an economy that follows first art and then economics. Artonomie AG nominates people as artonomists who have distinguished themselves as open and experimental entrepreneurs or as experts at the interface with art. As artonomists, they inspire other companies to achieve their visions and, as role models, actively shape the transformation in society for the future.
„Company Biodiversity 2020“ is an interface for associations from business and nature conservation. With the Dialogue and Action Platform, the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB), the Federal Office for Nature Conservation (BfN), business associations and nature conservation organisations are committed to a turnaround in the loss of biodiversity. The Platform for Action initiates, accompanies and publishes concrete activities. In the field of action „Communication, Networking and Information“ the „Tag der Insekten“ of INSECT RESPECT® and Natural History Museum Bielefeld was presented as an activity in 2017.
The industry award recognizes the most advanced and powerful industrial products. An independent expert jury consisting of professors, scientists, industry branch experts and journalists evaluates all submitted products and solutions. What counts is the progress (novelty, product maturity and future orientation) as well as the economic, social, ecological and technological benefits of the submitted solutions. Reckhaus GmbH & Co. KG is once again one of the INDUSTRY PRICE BEST OF 2017with the INSECT RESPECT® seal of approval.
Every year, the German Engagement Award honours committed people and organisations who are committed to volunteering and pays tribute to their commitment to a society worth living in. INSECT RESPECT® is nominated for the 2017 award. The German Engagement Prize is awarded by the Alliance for Charity, sponsors are the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, the Generali Future Fund and the German Television Lottery. More on this in the press release on Biological Diversity Day (May 22, 2017).
Dr. Hans-Dietrich Reckhaus has been honoured with the „My Good Example“ award in Berlin. The initiator of the INSECT RESPECT® seal of approval for insect control with ecological compensation, accepted the award on March 30, 2017 from Liz Mohn, Vice-Chairwoman of the Bertelsmann Foundation. Liz Mohn congratulated and was delighted with the commitment: „The economy and society must always be remembered together. Companies are important social actors. They stand by their responsibility to their employees, their customers and their region.“ The prize should also encourage the next generation to change and to commit one’s own engagement. INSECT RESPECT® was selected as the winner (Video) for his „strengthening awareness of biodiversity and the ecological importance of insects“. Read more in the press release. Photo: © Thomas Kunsch
With the innovative packaging design of the Dr. Reckhaus Fliegen-Scheibe®, Reckhaus has won the coveted Red Dot Award: Communication Design 2016. The world-renowned competition awards excellent communication design. In several sessions, the 26 experts of the Red Dot jury evaluated each of the numerous submissions live and on site. Designers and companies from a total of 46 nations took part in this year’s award. The Dr. Reckhaus Fliegen-Scheibe® stands for insect repellent in the interior with the highest ecological requirements: reduction or avoidance of biocidal use, and if so, only with compensation by the INSECT RESPECT® mark of quality. The excellent packaging emphasizes the value of insects, shows an image of the compensation area for the product and points to a webcam image of the green, insect-friendly roof area with a QR code.
On May 29, 2016, Europe’s largest environmental and economic award was presented for the ninth time in Munich: the GreenTec Awards. At the green gala, the nominees and winners were celebrated in front of 1,000 guests and by prominent laudators at munich’s ICM with an extensive stage programme. Dr. Hans-Dietrich Reckhaus received the certificate for the second placement of INSECT RESPECT® in the category „Lifestyle“. The initiator of the GreenTec Awards, Sven Krüger, said: „Not least urbanization leads to underestimation of the importance of insects. Reckhaus is particularly involved with ecological biocides. Personally, I am very impressed by the long-standing commitment and concrete, case-based solutions. Congratulations on jumping into the TOP 3 of the GreenTec Awards 2016.» The prize has honored green innovations from business and academia since 2008.
Leadership in economic, social, technological and ecological benefits confirmed: A high-calibre jury consisting of professors, scientists, industry branch experts and specialist journalists selected Reckhaus GmbH & Co. KG with the INSECT RESPECT® seal of approval again in April 2016.
INSECT RESPECT® – the first quality mark for anti-combat biocides – was selected as one of the nominees in the Lifestyle category for the 2016 GreenTec Awards. Every year, the award honours innovative products and projects that point the way to an environmentally conscious future. The award ceremony with 1,000 invited guests from business, politics, science, culture and the media will take place on May 29, 2016 in Munich.
Dr. Hans-Dietrich Reckhaus was awarded the Swiss Ethics Prize on November 24, 2015 in Lausanne. In its explanatory statement, the jury underlined the courage of the entrepreneur: „Reckhaus is strategically positioned in an industry that is more known for negative environmental impacts,“ said Anne-Catherine Lyon, State Councillor in the Department of Education, Youth and Culture of the Canton of Vaud, who presented the prize as Honorary President of the jury. The realignment was impressed by a „surprising business model with strong differentiation, which at the same time offers solutions for the entire industry with the INSECT RESPECT® label,“ said jury president Pierre Epars, member of the Directorate-General at BG Ingénieurs Conseils SA. The Swiss Ethics Prize has been awarded since 2005 by the University of Engineering and Administration of the Canton of Vaud (HEIG-VD). It promotes ethics, sustainable development and social responsibility in strategies of companies and public organisations. A short video of the award ceremony can be watched here.
For his innovation INSECT RESPECT®, Dr. Hans-Dietrich Reckhaus was included in the faces of sustainability in August 2015. The platform, edited by Alexandra Hildebrandt and Hauke Schwiezer, introduces pioneers of social change – people who have set out to rethink sustainability and shape it in their own way. They show sustainability not only as a one-sided ecological issue, but also as a broad range across all areas of society.
The entrepreneur Dr. Hans-Dietrich Reckhaus was particularly honoured at the gala of the European Cultural Marks Award 2015 on October 29, 2015 in Berlin: „Many jury members, including me personally, were absolutely impressed and convinced by Reckhaus’s commitment,“ said Roland Bischof, Vice President of the Association for Sponsorship e.V., in his eulogy. In particular, he emphasized the company’s courage in transforming art and business: „I hope that there will be a lot of imitators for it in the future.“ Together with the conceptual artists Frank and Patrik Riklin, Reckhaus had realized the art action Rescuing Flies in Deppendorf, which radically revolutionized his company’s business model. The 29-member jury of experts at the 10th Cultural Brand Award Although she decided on another winning project in the category „European Cultural Investor 2015“, he asked for a special mention: „To entrust art representatives with ideas and recommendations for action and – even if it may even seem counterproductive for the company’s result at first – then simply get involved, that is courageous and consistent.“
The initiative „Companies for the Region“ launched in March 2007 by Liz Mohn, Vice-Chairman of the Board of The Bertelsmann Foundation. (UfdR) offers a solid network for committed small and medium-sized enterprises. In June 2015, the association presents its newsletter INSECT RESPECT® as „Good Example of the Month“: „… the entrepreneurial new way in the implementation of Reckhaus GmbH & Co. KG is remarkable. Compensation is not only possible through the sale of the products, but is ensured from the beginning of the productionchain. This ensures that the fight and the preservation of the consumer is in balance.“
Huber Verlag für Neue Medien GmbH awards the INDUSTRY PRICE to companies with high economic, social, technological and environmental benefits. In April 2015, a high-calibre jury of experts consisting of a total of 30 professors and specialist journalists selected Reckhaus GmbH & Co. KG with the INSECT RESPECT® seal of approval in the INDUSTRY PRICE BEST OF 2015.
The SME Initiative and the MIT Blog (SMEs | Industry | Technology) published an interview about the award with INSECT RESPECT® initiator Dr. Hans-Dietrich Reckhaus.
The Dr. Reckhaus Fliegen-Scheibe® with the INSECT RESPECT® seal of approval has been included in the GreenSelection 2015of the Green Product Award. The initiators received high-quality submissions from more than 20 countries. The jury emphasized that the contributions of the „Green Selection“ are characterized by credible concepts, creativity and courage for new ways. The selected entries are presented in detailon the green product award website.
Berliner Volksbühne (Green Salon), January 29, 2015: At the invitation of the brand strategy associations in Germany, Switzerland and Austria, Dr. Hans-Dietrich Reckhaus was able to present the sustainable strategy of INSECT RESPECT® within the framework of the 1st International Strategy Slam . The econeutrale model was widely recognized by brand strategists in Berlin – as well as at the live stream events in Hamburg, Vienna and Zurich. In the competition for the Strategy Slam Award 2015, which was decided by applause, INSECT RESPECT® secured second place with only a decibel gap.
The change of Dr. Hans-Dietrich Reckhaus shows in a haunting way how a self-critical reflection on the value of insects reveals a forethought in the truest sense of the word. The Bielefeld entrepreneur was awarded the Vordenker-Preis 2014 for his courage in venturing a radical transformation from a conventional biocide manufacturer to a provider of more ecological insect control with the INSECT RESPECT® quality label. Initiated in 2010 by the Querdenker Club – which had over 400,000 members – the prize was awarded to outstanding minds, innovative companies and special achievements in business.
The German Entrepreneurship Award is awarded every two years by the Harvard Clubs of Germany. The award recognizes people who realize entrepreneurial visions and thus make a valuable contribution to society. On September 30, 2014, Dr. Hans-Dietrich Reckhaus was selected among the best three entrepreneurs in the „Family Business“ category for his commitment to promoting a sustainable and conscious use of insects in the Frankfurt Opera Tower.
The Kyocera Environmental Award is one of the leading awards for sustainable companies in the German-speaking world. At the 2014 award ceremony, INSECT RESPECT® was selected as one of the best three initiatives in the category „Biodiversity, Nature and Water Conservation“. The award ceremony took place in the presence of Prof. Klaus Töpfer, Chairman of the Jury and former Minister of the Environment of the Federal Republic of Germany.
The ESPRIX Forum is the leading network for business excellence in Switzerland. During the meeting for the presentation of the ESPRIX Swiss Award for Excellence 2014, Dr. Hans-Dietrich Reckhaus was invited to present INSECT RESPECT® as a model example for „Sustainable Excellence“. The event took place on March 6 at the KKL Luzern in the presence of Swiss President Didier Burkhalter.
Video reports on the ESPRIX Forum
Statements by participants and organizers
How can business, culture and creativity be linked to profit? The new publication „Innovation Economics“ of the Competence Center CREATIVE.NRW shows it with 14 company examples from Germany and Europe, including Reckhaus and INSECT RESPECT®.
Book contribution as a PDF document
Interview with Dr. H.-D. Reckhaus
Video contribution to the presentation
Reckhaus GmbH & Co. KG
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