Compensation Areas
since 2019, Bielefeld, Germany
Gain an insight into the area of the live stream and discover the current vegetation level, which changes rapidly, especially in the first years after the installation of the area. If you are lucky, one or the other insect flies by in front of the camera while watching.
At the bag manufacturer Halfar, INSECT RESPECT® started the insect-friendly redesign of the roof area in spring 2019: The two Bielefeld entrepreneurs Armin Halfar and Dr. Hans-Dietrich Reckhaus are now working together for insects.
On the roof of the Halfar company, the jointly created insect-friendly habitat was completed as part of an employee planting campaign on May 18, 2019, during which the employees were able to take part in the planting and sowing of a species-rich biotope. „Our company’s ‘leadership through sustainability‘ is also valid for the promotion of local biodiversity,“ says Armin Halfar, Managing Director with 120 employees. The surface now serves as a balancing surface for the INSECT RESPECT® quality mark.
The company provides 450 sqm to the insects. The six-legged friends find many ways to dig nesting caves or collect material for nests in areas with clay and sand. Structural elements such as reclaimed wood (e.g. logs) offer the insects space to hide and cellulose to build. Individual water points have room, especially after rains, so that insects and birds can drink and bathe. From the natural stone heaps, the rain washes micronutrients into the substrate, which the insects can absorb.
A detailed report on the employee planting campaign can be found in the media release.
since 2019, Haigerloch
Gain an insight into the area via the photo stream and discover the current state of vegetation, which changes rapidly, especially in the first few years after installation of the area. If you are lucky, one or the other insect flies by in front of the camera while watching.

ALUKON greens with INSECT RESPECT® an area to actively support insect diversity. The Schlotterer company (part of the Hörmann Group) and INSECT RESPECT® have created an insect-friendly habitat on the roof of the new site in Haigerloch. The area is 635 sqm.
since 2018, Bielefeld
On March 21, 2018, INSECT RESPECT® opened new insect-friendly habitats in Bielefeld. Biotopes were created on the premises of Reckhaus GmbH & Co. KG on the plain, vertically on buildings and on roof surfaces.
„Every square metre counts,“ emphasised the INSECT RESPECT® biologist during the public tour on March 21, 2018 in Bielefeld-Sennestadt. Thus, even seemingly small areas such as hems, edges, embankments, banks, rains and stripes are important structures in the landscape. „Each border is a living space and a bridge to the neighbour.“ Hems network and thus form the skeleton of a functioning ecosystem. In the new INSECT RESPECT® areas, a wide variety of insects, from pollinators to herbivores to predators, find new habitat. Since the hem is not mowed in winter, it offers space for the wintering of the insects in flower heads, stems and in the entire biomass. Hems are thus the most important sources of useful insects in the landscape.
On almost 900 square meters flies, butterflies, bees, mosquitoes and other arthropods find food, hiding and hibernation possibilities. Of these, 500 square metres of green space are in the plain, for example with wild perennials that provide the animals with nectar and pollen. Open sand spots and deadwood piles complete the offer. Among the structural elements, insects find protection from predators, from the weather and in winter.
INSECT RESPECT® insect-friendly areas of 370 square metres have been created on the roofs. They have about 17 centimeters of substrate thickness. So far, the new areas have been filled with humus, expanded clay (granulate-like roof tile gravel), dead wood and stones; planting takes place in a timely manner. Extensive roof greening create an incomparable variety of positive effects for the building, the people, its environment and for sustainability in general: undisturbed living space, networking function with other green areas (stepping stones), longer service life of the roof, rainwater retention, shielding from radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation, improved ambient climate and cost savings (e.g. in terms of energy costs, sewage charges, refurbishment).
INSECT RESPECT® has also set up insect habitats vertically. The greening of house facades is multifunctional. In addition to additional thermal insulation for the building, it offers a variety of functions: The increased leaf mass absorbs CO2 and creates O2. In addition, fine dust is bound and the temperature in the vicinity of the building is dampened. With the greening of the facade, INSECT RESPECT® offers additional food sources and protection for the native insects. The flower offer of the planted climbing plants expands the spectrum of horizontal areas and offers refuge to insects in times when the flat green areas lack protection. Flowering ivy is a very important source of food in late summer. The vertical structures also offer huge potential for the preservation of ecosystem functions such as pollination performance, water purification, air freshening and climate regulation.
since 2012, Bielefeld
Since July 2012, the flat roof of the administration building of Reckhaus GmbH & Co. KG in Bielefeld has been an insect-friendly zone: the first INSECT RESPECT® compensation area. The investment allows extensive greening on 200 m2, additionally supported by hillings and small structures.
In its original state, the roof consisted of a protective film without organic substrate and did not contain any live biomass. The redesign as an extensive flat roof results in a qualitative living biomass of 20 g/m2. According to the INSECT RESPECT® compensation model, this value is adjusted by several correction factors, which corresponds to a potential of 288 g/m2. Multiplied by the 200m2 of the roof greening, the balancing area compensates for the catch of 58,100 g/m2 live biomass. This corresponds, for example, to an annual production of 35,000 packs of the Dr. Reckhaus Fliegen-Scheibe®, which served as the basis for calculating the area.
since 2019, Baden

The natural brand retailer Prokopp greened the roof of his company in Baden as a paradise for insects. The company’s „100% sustainability“ promise will also apply to support biodiversity. For this purpose, Prokopp has created an insect-friendly habitat with INSECT RESPECT®.

In 2018, Prokopp introduced Dr. Reckhaus brand insecticides bearing the INSECT RESPECT® quality mark in its shops. The quality label guarantees compensation for the loss of insects caused by indoor control and additionally invests in insect promotion for products that do not kill but repel or rescue.
To this end, INSECT RESPECT® and its partners are creating biotopes where the six-legged creatures can find food, hiding and hibernation opportunities. Based on the scientific model, consumers are guaranteed that intervention and compensation are in balance.
As a partner, Prokopp has greened an area of approx. 145 sqm on its company roof in Baden. With the advice of INSECT RESPECT® and in cooperation with the regional roof gardener Fricke, areas were created that form an ideal habitat especially for insects: Different substrate types (mineral substrate, extensive substrate) and different layer heights create different planting habitats.
Focus on Regionality
INSECT RESPECT® focused on regionality in the procurement for the insect-friendly compensation area: wood and stones were supplied by the Viennese forest, all plants were produced regionally, and the seeds came from protected dry meadows in the Baden area. For insects, the greenery and flowers here include kidney vetch, mountain aster, viper’s bugloss, cypress spurge, sweet pea (oregano), cowslip, St. John’s wort and evening primrose.
Saving instead of Killing since 2020
In 2020, the Dr. Reckhaus brand introduced the Dr. Reckhaus Fruit Fly Saviour with a world premiere. The product makes it possible to trap fruit flies without killing them and to then release them into nature.
At the same time, Dr. Reckhaus consistently removed all insect control products that kill from the product range. At Prokopp, too, the fruit fly saviour is now on the shelf. The INSECT RESPECT® quality label continues to guarantee the benefit for insects. For every product sold, 10 cents are invested directly in INSECT RESPECT® insect promotion.
since 2015, Gais

On September 8, 2015, the Reckhaus Group in Gais, together with numerous guests and the Innerrhoder Cantonal Council Roland Inauen, opened the first insect balancing area in Switzerland. The inauguration of the green flat roof biotope is a further step on the company’s path to the ecological transformation of the entire industry.
The 500 square metre green flat roof in Gais is designed as an ideal biotope for insects. Due to different substrates and structures, such as piles of wood and stone, the greatest possible biodiversity of animals and plants should be established, which are so rare in the area of Appenzell. The area thus allows compensation for the loss caused by the biocidal application. In this way, for example, 230,000 packs of the Dr. Reckhaus Fliegen Scheibe® can be compensated.
For more information, read the press release.